(1 hour and 30 minutes):
$120 Per session
If you decide to purchase a package, the cost of your first appointment
can be put towards that package!
A single session colonic includes:
- 10 minutes on the Vibratrim (whole body vibration machine)
- Amethyst Biomat
- Aromatherapy
- Sound Therapy
- Probiotic supplement
(1 hour 15 minutes):
1 Session: $120 3 Sessions: $333
6 Sessions: $600 10 Sessions: $950
Add-Ons to Colonics:
ADDITIVE (with doctor prescription): $20
IONIC FOOT BATH (45 minutes):
1 Session: $55 3 Sessions: $150
6 Sessions: $270 10 Sessions: $400
VIBRATRIM Stand Alone Session (10 minutes): $10
(Vibratrim is complimentary with purchase of any service)
*All series will expire after 1 year from purchase*
Purchasing a series is a commitment to your health. We strongly urge our clients to consider purchasing a series if possible, as several colonics done in succession is the best way to clean and hydrate the colon. We want to gently remind our clients to be patient with their bodies and the process- cleansing can be a lifelong endeavor and those who reap the benefits of a healthy and efficient colon are the ones that commit to showing up.
*please refer to our Treatments page for detailed description of all services. All treatments are by appointment only. Please call (805) 798-7553 or see our Book Online feature to schedule a service today.
In order to respect both your time and ours, we have a strict 48 hour cancellation policy. When you book an appointment with us, you are agreeing to said policy, so please take your time and read below.
CANCELLATION POLICY: When you book an appointment with us, we commit to having the room and service provider available to you. This affects how many people we can commit to in one day. 48 hour cancellation notice is absolutely required for all spa appointments. We understand emergencies happen, and will address as necessary, but if you cancel within less than 48 hours notice, we will charge you a 100% cancellation fee for the amount of that service. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to working with you on your healing journey.